One morning, Benedict woke up early on his holiday to Aldeburgh and him and his mummy went out before anyone else had woken up to sail their boats on the boating pond in his pyjamas.
The only other things awake were the seagulls. He ran around the wall at the edge, racing his boat from one side to another, when he lost balance and fell knee deep into the water. They squelched back to their holiday home and got changed, putting on dry pyjama bottoms and some wellies, and came back out to do more sailing.
Benedict Blythe loved going to stay in Suffolk, visiting in the last week of the summer holidays each year. He particularly liked bringing his sailing boat, and racing his sisters boat across the pond.
Every year, his family leave 5 boats in his four favourite colours – blue, pink, white and orange – for other children and families to find, play with, leave for other children or to take home and keep.
The boats a chance for others to experience the same joy he did, but also so that they can learn about him and see his gorgeous face.
Sometimes friends and family leave additional boats throughout the year. If you find one, and would like to share your moments with us then you can either tag on social media using #BenedictBoats, or send us an email at hello@benedictblythe.com.
If you find one, the boat is a gift for you to keep. We hope it gives you many happy moments.